Novembro 2011 - Amesterdão, Holanda |
É mais colorida, mas não falta nada do que é comum se ver nas versões seniores. Luz, cestinho na frente (ao invés da caixa de fruta) e alforges; the whole nine yards...
As cores e o formato do quadro sugerem bicicleta de menina.
It's more colourful, but lacks nothing of what is commonly seen in the senior versions. Light, basket in front (instead of the fruit box) and saddlebags; the whole nine yards...
The colours and shape of the frame suggest a girl's bike.
It's more colourful, but lacks nothing of what is commonly seen in the senior versions. Light, basket in front (instead of the fruit box) and saddlebags; the whole nine yards...
The colours and shape of the frame suggest a girl's bike.
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