Bicicletas são como as mulheres. Belas e com curvas, diferentes, subtis. Algumas com mudanças complicadas, outras simples, pegar e andar. Umas belas e únicas. Outras produzidas em série. Umas dos mais nobres e caros materiais, outras do mais simples que aparece. Umas por quem vale a pena lutar, outras que deixamos por ai...
Em dia de Todos os Santos, o lema aqui será: Vinde a mim todas as bicicletas!
Serão bicicletas por aqui. Uma por dia, a não ser que a ocasião justifique mais. As contribuições de amigos e inimigos serão bem vindas. Quando chegarmos às mil bicicletas? Nessa altura sairemos para o por do sol, montados nas nossas!
Bicycles are like women. Gorgeous and curvy, different, subtle. Some with complicated (gear)changes, others simple, take'Em and leave. Some beautiful and unique. Others mass produced. Some from the most noble and expensive materials, others as simple as it gets. Some worth fighting for, others we just leave around...
In All Saints' Day the motto here will be: Let all the bicycles come to me!
There will be bicycles around here. One per day, unless the time demands for more. The contributions of friends and foes are welcome. And when we reach the thousand bikes? Then will ride our ones into the sunset!
Bicycles are like women. Gorgeous and curvy, different, subtle. Some with complicated (gear)changes, others simple, take'Em and leave. Some beautiful and unique. Others mass produced. Some from the most noble and expensive materials, others as simple as it gets. Some worth fighting for, others we just leave around...
In All Saints' Day the motto here will be: Let all the bicycles come to me!
There will be bicycles around here. One per day, unless the time demands for more. The contributions of friends and foes are welcome. And when we reach the thousand bikes? Then will ride our ones into the sunset!
Bruno "Bakano" Costa
Carolina Mendonça
João Manuel Oliveira
Paulo Guerra dos Santos
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