Janeiro 2012 - Amesterdão, Holanda |
Amesterdão é famosa pela enorme quantidade de bicicletas sendo considerada por muitos o centro mundial delas. Quase todas as ruas principais têm vias para ciclistas, e pode-se deixar a bicicleta em qualquer lugar... Quer dizer... convém prende-las para evitar que sejam roubadas ou atiradas aos canais... Aqui vê-se funcionários do município a fazer a recolhas de bicicletas nos canais...
Foto gentilmente cedida por Paulo Martins
Amsterdam is famous for the huge amount of bikes being considered by many the world center of them. Almost all major streets have cycle paths, and you can leave the bike anywhere... I mean... should lock them to prevent from being stolen or thrown to the channels... Here we see city officials literally fishing bicycles in the channels...
Amsterdam is famous for the huge amount of bikes being considered by many the world center of them. Almost all major streets have cycle paths, and you can leave the bike anywhere... I mean... should lock them to prevent from being stolen or thrown to the channels... Here we see city officials literally fishing bicycles in the channels...
Photo courtesy of Paulo Martins
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